Unit 10 I’d like some noodles

Unit 10 of the language course introduces the topic of ordering food in a restaurant. One of the key phrases covered is "I’d like some noodles," which can be used to express a preference for a specific dish. This unit also explores vocabulary related to types of food and beverages, as well as how to engage in a simple conversation with waitstaff.

Section A period 1

by writer’s name

The analysis of the teaching material involves a careful examination of its content, structure, and relevance to the learning objectives. It is important to determine how effectively the material aligns with the curriculum and whether it presents information in a clear and accessible way for students. Additionally, identifying any areas that may require supplemental resources or modifications is essential for ensuring the material meets the needs of the learners. Overall, the analysis of teaching material plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of instruction and supporting student success.

This unit focuses on the subject of food and covers the skill of ordering food in a restaurant, which is a common activity in our everyday lives. To facilitate this, the unit offers various language structures like "would like" and "what" questions.

This lesson primarily focuses on the initial section of part A.

Ⅱ.Teaching Objectives:

Learning Goals and Competency Objectives:

Students can expand their vocabulary by learning words such as noodles, beef, mutton, chicken, cabbage, potatoes, and tomatoes, and then using them correctly in their daily communication.

By the end of this class, students will be able to practice ordering food in a simulated situation using the following sentence structure:

Sure, what type of noodles would you like?

What type of noodles do you prefer?

A: … noodles, please.

2. Moral Objectives:

Students can learn the proper way to order food in a restaurant, developing good behavior and manners. Mastering the skill of polite and correct food ordering not only benefits them in restaurant settings, but also helps them develop good eating habits overall.

3. How to Learn:

Students are expected to focus on key words while listening in order to effectively locate the answers.

Students need to work with partners in order to practice using the target language in speaking exercises.

Students are required to discuss whether they and their partners have healthy eating habits. This involves thinking and sharing their perspectives on the topic.

Key Point:
The main key point of this topic is to understand the concept of supply and demand in economics and how it can affect prices and market equilibrium.

Difficult Point:
One difficult point that many students struggle with is grasping the concept of elasticity of demand and supply, and how it influences consumer behavior and market outcomes.

Mastering sentence structure is crucial.

The challenge lies in using the correct noun forms.

Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures:

1. lead-in:

Sure! Let's watch an interesting video about noodles that I found online. After that, I'll show you some pictures of different types of noodles. Next, I'll teach you a new word – noodles. Now, let me ask you, do you like noodles? There are various types of noodles in different regions around the world. I will give you 1 minute to talk about the different types of noodles you know, and then you can share with your classmates.

2. Presentation

Introduce the students to new vegetable words such as potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and carrots by displaying pictures of these vegetables. Prompt them to express their vegetable preferences by asking, "What kind of vegetables would you like?" Encourage them to respond with "I would like…" followed by their preferred vegetable. Afterwards, facilitate a 2-minute practice session for students to rehearse with their peers.

Show students some pictures of meat, such as beef, mutton, and chicken. Teach them the new words for these meats and then ask them, "What kind of meat would you like?" Help them to answer by saying, "I would like…" Give the students 2 minutes to practice the dialogue with their partners.

My favorite vegetable is broccoli because of its crunchy texture and nutty flavor. As for meat, I enjoy chicken for its versatility and lean protein content. Both are important parts of a balanced diet, and I believe it's essential to include a variety of vegetables and lean meats in our meals. However, it's also important to be mindful of portion sizes and to not rely on processed or high-fat meats. Overall, I think we should strive to eat more of these foods as part of a well-rounded diet.

What kind of dish can we create using these vegetables and meat? What do you enjoy about this particular recipe?

Students should select images of various vegetables and meats to practice having conversations with their partners. An example of a conversation could be as follows:

What type of noodles are you in the mood for?

B: I’d like … noodles.

What type of noodles does he/she/they prefer?

B: He/she/they are interested in having some noodles.

(6) Listening

Before you listen, take a look at the picture and identify the different types of noodles that are pictured.

Please listen and verify the type of noodles the person is ordering.

②Listen and repeat.

③Pair work.

(7). Role-play

Original dialogue:
You: 你好,我们来到了一家中国的面馆,可以点你喜欢的面条。
Partner: 我想要尝试一下牛肉拉面,你呢?
You: 我想要吃一碗酸辣粉,听说这家的特别好吃。

你: 在这家面馆里,你会点什么面条呢?
同伴: 我想尝试一下手工刀削面,你呢?
你: 我会点一份榨菜肉丝拌面,听说这里的味道很地道。




When you arrive home, please prepare a bowl of noodles for your parents.

2. Inquire with your parents about their preferred dining options and venue for their meal.
